Midwest Reproductive Center

Fertility Education

Learn about Sperm: Take this Short Male Infertility Quiz

Dr. Dan Gehlbach knows the male reproductive tract. As a reproductive endocrinologist in Olathe, Kansas, Dr. Gehlbach sees men and women having trouble getting pregnant. Half the time, infertility is caused by male factors, so Dr. Gehlbach will recommend semen analysis.

Most people don’t think about the inner workings of their reproductive organs,

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Cause of Infertility Clomid Fertility Education Fertility Tests Infertility Awareness IVF Low sperm count Male Infertility MESA Midwest Reproductive Semen Analysis Sperm and Semen Health Sperm harvesting Sperm health TESE TESE Timed intercourse Trying to get pregnant

Preconception Testing Provides Peace of Mind

Of all the fertility testing available today, only one benefits every single couple that plans to get pregnant: preconception testing. Not a fertility patient? You still might want to consider preconception testing.

Dr. Dan Gehlbach with Midwest Reproductive Center works with a third-party genetic testing laboratory to screen for inheritable genetic disease. It is not a requirement prior to pursuing fertility treatment with his office,

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Female infertility Fertility Education Fertility Tests Genetic Testing IVF Male Infertility Midwest Reproductive Preconception Testing Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Trying to get pregnant

Family Act Update: Congresswoman Jenkins Visits Midwest Reproductive Center

Dr. Dan Gehlbach and the Midwest Reproductive Center staff welcomed Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins to its fertility center to continue the conversation about providing tax relief for the 7.3 million couples and individuals undergoing infertility treatment.

Family Act Provides Infertility Tax Relief

Dr. Gehlbach supported the Family Act of 2011 since its inception, and was disappointed when the bill died in Congress this past year.

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Affording Infertility Cost of Infertility Family Act Female infertility Fertility Education Infertility Awareness IVF Male Infertility Midwest Reproductive Midwest Reproductive Center

Trying to Getting Pregnant? Dr. Gehlbach Pinpoints Prime Time in a Normal Menstrual Cycle

When you are trying to get pregnant, understanding your menstrual cycle can be the first step in maximizing your chances. Years of taking birth control pills can help you identify the phases of a normal menstrual cycle, and Dr. Dan Gehlbach with Midwest Reproductive Center explains the color-coded correlation and the basics of getting pregnant.

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Cause of Infertility endocrinologist Female infertility Fertility Education Follicular phase Luteal phase Midwest Reproductive Midwest Reproductive Center Normal menstrual cycle Timed intercourse Trying to get pregnant

Fertility Alert: Caffeine Is Fine in Moderation

Couples having trouble getting pregnant often have questions about how they can increase their chances. While some causes of infertility cannot be changed without medical intervention, oftentimes, environmental and lifestyle factors can play a part in infertility. Dr. Dan Gehlbach and the registered nutritionist at Midwest Reproductive Center advise couples on the best dietary choices for optimizing fertility.

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caffeine and infertility Cause of Infertility Fertility Education Healthy Life Style Midwest Reproductive Nutrition for Fertility

Eating for Conceiving: Is Nutrition Really a Factor in Infertility?

Search “nutrition for fertility’ right now and you will likely come up with a plethora of theories on the correlation between food and fertility. Bookstores devote entire sections to diets, and your inbox probably has a special offer tempting you with an easy-fix claim.

Dr. Dan Gehlbach helps his fertility patients separate fact from fiction with nutritional counseling and nutritional plans that target male and female infertility related to ovulation dysfunction and sperm disorders.

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Cause of Infertility Fertility Education Midwest Reproductive Midwest Reproductive Center Nutrition for Fertility PCOS

Dr. Dan Gehlbach Encourages Patients to Make Fertility Resolutions for 2013

January 1st has come and gone and many people have made goals or resolutions for 2013. Weight loss, more time with family and getting out of debt are popular choices. At Midwest Reproductive Center, Dr. Dan Gehlbach and our team believe that our patients should consider making resolutions that might help them achieve their dreams of having a child.

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endocrinologist Fertility Education Fertility Tests Healthy Life Style Male Infertility Midwest Reproductive Midwest Reproductive Center

Play it Cool this Summer for Optimal Sperm Health

Forecasters expect temperatures in the Kansas City area to hit 100 this week. That’s not ideal for Dr. Dan Gehlbach’s fertility patients.  He advises his male clients to stay cool while trying to conceive a baby.

Occasional summertime visits to the pool or lake will not impact your chances for pregnancy, but long-term exposure to high heat can make a difference.

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Fertility Education Low sperm count Male Infertility Midwest Reproductive Midwest Reproductive Center Semen Analysis Sperm health

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