Midwest Reproductive Center

Cause of Infertility

Ovulation Disorders and Why You Need to Work with A Fertility Specialist in Overland Park

There are several types of ovulation disorders that can affect your reproductive abilities. Ovulation disorders are also the most common reason women are not able to conceive, according to some of the best fertility doctors in Overland Park. There are conditions such as:

Premature Ovarian Failure– ovaries usually stop functioning later in life
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome–

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Cause of Infertility PCOS

Understanding PGS – How it can help you have a baby

Our Kansas fertility doctor believes PGS can increase IVF success rates

If you are suffering from the heartbreak that accompanies failed IVF cycles, recurrent pregnancy loss and unexplained infertility, preconception genetic screening (PGS) may provide you with the hope, help and answers you are looking for to start or add to your family.

PGS is a form of genetic testing that identifies chromosomal abnormalities in an embryo during a critical part of the IVF cycle.

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Cause of Infertility PCOS

Infertility and Depression: Breaking the Cycle

Is It More than Just the “Baby Blues?”

If you are battling infertility, you may feel sad, angry, helpless and overwrought all at once. Feelings of depression may stem understandably from your circumstances, or they may indicate the presence of a chemical imbalance that requires medical attention. In some cases, depression can actually make conception more challenging.

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Cause of Infertility

Minimally Invasive Surgery: Minimal Pain, Maximum Gain

So you need reproductive fertility surgery.

You imagine the worst—pain, a long recovery, lost time at work and major expense. Today’s minimally invasive techniques, however, change the paradigm with in-and-out surgeries called laparoscopy and hysteroscopy.

Dr. Dan Gehlbach, with Midwest Reproductive Center, is a board-certified fertility specialist and surgeon uniquely trained in minimally invasive techniques.

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Cause of Infertility Fertility Surgery

Secondary Infertility Is Surprising and Stressful

Secondary infertility sneaks up on you. When you have given birth to a baby, you fully appreciate the miracle that has taken place, but fully expect for it to occur again. Dr. Dan Gehlbach frequently sees couples shell-shocked by secondary infertility, so he has facts and figures to share right from the start.

Secondary Infertility is Common

Secondary infertility affects 12 percent of women,

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Cause of Infertility Midwest Reproductive Secondary Infertility

Learn about Sperm: Take this Short Male Infertility Quiz

Dr. Dan Gehlbach knows the male reproductive tract. As a reproductive endocrinologist in Olathe, Kansas, Dr. Gehlbach sees men and women having trouble getting pregnant. Half the time, infertility is caused by male factors, so Dr. Gehlbach will recommend semen analysis.

Most people don’t think about the inner workings of their reproductive organs,

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Cause of Infertility Clomid Fertility Education Fertility Tests Infertility Awareness IVF Low sperm count Male Infertility MESA Midwest Reproductive Semen Analysis Sperm and Semen Health Sperm harvesting Sperm health TESE TESE Timed intercourse Trying to get pregnant

Trying to Getting Pregnant? Dr. Gehlbach Pinpoints Prime Time in a Normal Menstrual Cycle

When you are trying to get pregnant, understanding your menstrual cycle can be the first step in maximizing your chances. Years of taking birth control pills can help you identify the phases of a normal menstrual cycle, and Dr. Dan Gehlbach with Midwest Reproductive Center explains the color-coded correlation and the basics of getting pregnant.

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Cause of Infertility endocrinologist Female infertility Fertility Education Follicular phase Luteal phase Midwest Reproductive Midwest Reproductive Center Normal menstrual cycle Timed intercourse Trying to get pregnant

Fertility Alert: Caffeine Is Fine in Moderation

Couples having trouble getting pregnant often have questions about how they can increase their chances. While some causes of infertility cannot be changed without medical intervention, oftentimes, environmental and lifestyle factors can play a part in infertility. Dr. Dan Gehlbach and the registered nutritionist at Midwest Reproductive Center advise couples on the best dietary choices for optimizing fertility.

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caffeine and infertility Cause of Infertility Fertility Education Healthy Life Style Midwest Reproductive Nutrition for Fertility

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