Midwest Reproductive Center

Female infertility

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Female Infertility

Infertility can be a very emotionally draining journey for couples and individuals. There are many reasons why infertility can happen. Female infertility is one reason for the inability to conceive and is also an excellent reason to consider female infertility treatment in Overland Park. The female body is very complex, and many factors can be adjusted and changed to increase the likelihood of conceiving.

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Female infertility PCOS

Weight Loss Tips

Dr. Gehlbach offers weight loss tips to help patients conceive

When you are struggling to conceive, conceiving often becomes your focus. Dan Gehlbach MD, the medical director at Midwest Reproductive Center, diagnoses and treats infertility so that our patients can achieve healthy pregnancies. Our Kansas fertility center works to give patients the best chance of success,

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Female infertility Fertility Treatment Healthy Fertility Healthy Life Style Male Infertility Midwest Reproductive Center Trying to get pregnant

Fertility Supplements

Do fertility supplements work? Our Kansas fertility center expert provides answers

Couples and individuals dealing with infertility often look for any solutions to assist them in getting pregnant. Not surprisingly, patients at our Kansas fertility center often ask about the use of fertility supplements. Dr. Dan Gehlbach, the medical director at Midwest Reproductive Center, wants our patients to have accurate information so that they can make informed decisions about fertility treatments,

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Female infertility Male Infertility Midwest Reproductive

Infertility Awareness Week

Renew your pregnancy strategies during Infertility Awareness Week

April represents a time for renewal, and spring is the perfect season for raising infertility awareness. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recognizes National Infertility Awareness Week, April 23-29, and Midwest Reproductive Center continues to promote awareness for the disease and educate legislators about the need to expand insurance benefits.

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Female infertility Infertility Awareness Male Infertility Midwest Reproductive Center

Infertility and Romance

Valentine’s Day advice for rekindling your relationship during infertility treatment

Trying to conceive can be a challenge, physically and emotionally. When you are struggling to get pregnant, you can easily shift focus away from each other. For Valentine’s Day, Dr. Dan Gehlbach and the team at our Kansas fertility center want to remind patients to put infertility treatment on the back burner and reconnect with their partners.

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Female infertility Male Infertility Midwest Reproductive

When Should You Seek Fertility Help?

Finding a Fertility Specialist at the Right Time

Couples who are ready to build a family often expect that it’s just a matter of deciding when to start trying. Although it can be a very natural, easy process for some, over 1 in 7 couples encounter some issues with infertility.

5 Good Reasons to Consult a Fertility Specialist

At Midwest Reproductive Center we find that many couples are unsure of when to consult a fertility specialist on their path toward parenthood.

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Female infertility Fertility Specialist Midwest Reproductive

Preconception Testing Provides Peace of Mind

Of all the fertility testing available today, only one benefits every single couple that plans to get pregnant: preconception testing. Not a fertility patient? You still might want to consider preconception testing.

Dr. Dan Gehlbach with Midwest Reproductive Center works with a third-party genetic testing laboratory to screen for inheritable genetic disease. It is not a requirement prior to pursuing fertility treatment with his office,

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Female infertility Fertility Education Fertility Tests Genetic Testing IVF Male Infertility Midwest Reproductive Preconception Testing Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Trying to get pregnant

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