Midwest Reproductive Center

Fertility Tests

State-of-the-art fertility tests identify female infertility

Patients visit Dr. Dan Gehlbach for help discovering the reasons for their inability to conceive. As the medical director of our Kansas fertility center, Dr. Gehlbach will likely suggest a full fertility evaluation, including male and female fertility tests. Armed with the results of these tests, Dr. Gehlbach can determine the best treatment plan to improve your odds of success.

Our Kansas fertility center expert uncovers issues with fertility tests

Before Dr. Gehlbach can make any recommendations about treatment, he must first gather baseline details about your current fertility picture. Typically, our Kansas fertility center expert will order blood tests to check hormone levels, schedule an initial sonogram and monitor your progress through one complete menstrual cycle.

To detect any potential problems related to male factor fertility, Dr. Gehlbach will also suggest a semen analysis for your partner.

With female infertility, age, uterine abnormalities, certain medical conditions and hormone imbalances can hinder your chances for pregnancy. During your fertility work up, Dr. Gehlbach will order blood tests to measure levels of AMH, FSH and LH and others:

  • Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) Both women and men produce FSH. Usually scheduled for day 2 or 3 of a cycle, testing FSH can provide infor-mation about any problems with ovarian reserve.
  • Luteinizing hormone (LH) Dr. Gehlbach checks LH, a hormone that regu-lates the menstrual cycle and egg production, to look for a spike in the level, which indicates the onset of ovulation. Additionally, he will want to ensure that LH levels are not elevated during the ovulatory phase of your cycle.
  • Anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) Generated by granulosa cells in ovarian follicles, AMH levels help assess a woman’s remaining egg supply. Low AMH can indicate poor ovarian reserves.
  • Estradiol Women need estrogen for optimal fertility, but if levels are too high or too low, you may have difficulty getting pregnant.
  • Male hormones All women naturally produce some testosterone. If you have a high amount of testosterone in your system, it may be a symptom of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which can contribute to fertility issues.

Move forward with fertility treatment in our Kansas fertility center

Visiting a fertility specialist can feel overwhelming. As your trusted partners, Dr. Gehlbach and the team at Midwest Reproductive Center will work tirelessly to help you achieve a healthy pregnancy. Contact our Kansas fertility center office for more information or to schedule an appointment.