Midwest Reproductive Center

Low Sperm Count

Dr. Dan Gehlbach explains male infertility related to low sperm count

When couples have difficulty getting pregnant, they often visit our Kansas fertility center for assistance resolving any roadblocks to conception. Dr. Dan Gehlbach will evaluate new patients and their partners to determine potential causes of infertility, including a low sperm count. Once he identifies any issues, he can determine the best course of treatment.

An overview of male factor infertility

Often, people assume infertility only affects women, but one-third of infertility cases occur because of male factory infertility. As part of an initial fertility evaluation, our Kansas fertility center will recommend a semen analysis. This test will analyze a sample from your partner, looking at the number, quality and motility of sperm produced. Also called oligospermia, low sperm count occurs when a man generates fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen.

Dr. Gehlbach discusses common causes of a low sperm count

To produce sperm, the male body must have normal functioning of the testes, as well as proper input from the hypothalamus and pituitary glands. A variety of factors can influence sperm production, including:

  • varicocele, or swelling of the veins that drain the testicle, can reduce the quality of sperm.
  • Infections can hinder sperm production and result in scarring that blocks the passage of sperm.
  • Ejaculation problems, caused by surgery, various medical conditions and certain medications, may prevent semen from exiting from the tip of the penis.
  • Anti-sperm antibodies can mistakenly target sperm as harmful and attack them, attempting to destroy the sperm.
  • Environmental factors, such as heavy medical exposure, radiation, x-rays and overheating the testicles, can all reduce sperm production.
  • Lifestyle choices like overindulgence in alcohol, drug use, smoking and obesity may interfere with normal sperm generation.

Trust our Kansas fertility center to provide advanced fertility treatments

If our Kansas fertility center expert suspects low sperm count, he may refer your partner to a urologist, a specialist who has expertise with the male reproductive system. Treatment options for low sperm count may include surgery to repair obstructions, antibiotics for any infections or medications to adjust hormone levels. Additionally, Dr. Gehlbach often utilizes assisted reproductive technology options such as sperm extraction and in vitro fertilization (IVF) to increase the odds of a successful pregnancy.

When patients visit our Kansas fertility center, Dr. Gehlbach and our team provide comprehensive care to diagnose and treat infertility, including investigating issues related to low sperm count. Contact us for more information or to make an appointment at Midwest Reproductive Center.