Midwest Reproductive Center

Embryo Biopsy

Embryo Biopsy

Highlighting the valuable information gathered from embryo biopsy

As a leading Kansas fertility center, Midwest Reproductive Center strives to deliver state-of-the-art infertility care to men and women. Dan Gehlbach MD utilizes proven therapies like intrauterine insemination, or IUI, and in vitro fertilization, or IVF, to help our patients achieve healthy pregnancies. Dr. Gehlbach also employs advanced technologies such as embryo biopsy to provide our patients with the best odds of success.

An overview of the IVF process

Before recommending any treatment, Dr. Gehlbach will order a complete fertility evaluation to identify any barriers to pregnancy. If tests indicate that assisted reproductive technology is needed, our Kansas fertility center may utilize IVF. During the IVF process, our skilled embryologists combine the egg and sperm together in the laboratory. These cells eventually develop into the embryos that Dr. Gehlbach will transfer to the uterus. Before embryo transfer, our embryologists may perform an embryo biopsy to determine which embryos are chromosomally normal.

Why our Kansas fertility center utilizes embryo biopsy

Technological advances allow Dr. Gehlbach to not only assist our patients in conceiving, but to also do our best to ensure the birth of healthy babies. Through preimplantation genetic screening, or PGS, our Kansas fertility center expert can identify chromosomally normal embryos and only transfer the healthy embryos to the uterus. In cases where one or both partners are carriers of certain heritable diseases, Dr. Gehlbach uses preimplantation genetic diagnosis, or PGD, to prevent passing these diseases to any potential offspring.

Breaking down the embryo biopsy process

Embryo biopsy allows Dr. Gehlbach to gather the necessary genetic material for analysis. With an embryo biopsy, the embryologist removes a few cells from the outer layer of the embryo, which will eventually become the placenta. The process follows these steps:

  • On Day 5, 6 or 7 of development, the embryologist removes cells from each embryo and sends the biopsy off for genetic evaluation.
  • The laboratory determines whether the embryo has 23 pairs of intact chromosomes.
  • For the PGD analysis, geneticists will look for markers that indicate the presence of the specific heritable disease.
  • Dr. Gehlbach will schedule embryo transfer and utilize only unaffected embryo(s).

At Midwest Reproductive Center, we know that your ultimate goal is a healthy baby. Dr. Gehlbach employs advanced technologies, including embryo biopsy, to help hopeful parents achieve success. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact our Kansas fertility center office.