Midwest Reproductive Center

Ovarian Reserve Testing

Unlocking the keys to female fertility with ovarian reserve testing

If you have tried to get pregnant without success, Midwest Reproductive Center can help you have a baby. Dr. Dan Gehlbach will likely recommend a complete fertility evaluation, including ovarian reserve testing, to identify fertility issues.

As part of your fertility assessment, Dr. Gehlbach will take a complete medical history, perform a sonogram and order blood tests.

Reviewing female fertility and the value of ovarian reserve testing

To achieve pregnancy, a woman must release an egg that is fertilized by her partner’s sperm in one of the fallopian tubes. Then, it migrates to the uterus where it implants in the endometrium (lining). Although a man produces sperm throughout his life, women are born with all the eggs they will ever have.

At puberty, menstruation begins and a woman will release an egg each month in preparation for a potential pregnancy. As you age, the quantity and quality of your eggs decrease. Ovarian reserve testing allows our Kansas fertility specialist to gauge your fertility potential. This is important if you are planning to get pregnant after age 35, or if you have a family history of premature menopause or irregular periods.

Know your numbers

With ovarian reserve testing, Dr. Gehlbach can gather information about your remaining egg supply, how well you may respond to ovarian stimulation and which treatment options may offer the best chances for success.

Typically, ovarian reserve testing involves a combination of the following tests:

  • Day 3 follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) test and estradiol test High levels of FSH and estrogen may indicate diminished ovarian reserve.
  • Antimüllerian hormone (AMH) Released by very immature follicles, the level of AMH offers a glimpse into ovarian reserves and potential response to ovarian stimulation.
  • Antral follicle count Performed via transvaginal ultrasound in the early part of your cycle, Dr. Gehlbach uses antral follicle count to check the number of potential egg-producing follicles you have available in a given month. Usually, the more follicles visible on the sonogram, the better your odds are for conceiving.

When you are struggling to get pregnant or plan to become pregnant one day – and wish to know more about your fertility potential – ovarian reserve testing provides answers. Dr. Gehlbach performs female fertility evaluations, including ovarian reserve testing, to identify potential hindrances to conception and to help women plan ahead. Contact our Kansas fertility center for more information or to schedule an appointment.