Midwest Reproductive Center

Frozen Embryo Transfers

Frozen Embryo Transfers

Dr. Dan Gehlbach discusses IVF using frozen embryo transfers

For nearly four decades, in vitro fertilization (IVF) has been used to assist couples struggling with infertility achieve successful pregnancies. At Midwest Reproductive Center, Dr. Dan Gehlbach employs traditional IVF treatment, which involves egg retrieval and embryo transfer in the same cycle. In some cases, Dr. Gehlbach may recommend frozen embryo transfers as another treatment option.

A review of IVF basics with our Kansas fertility center expert

For a traditional IVF cycle, patients are monitored prior to the start of menstruation. They receive medication to suppress ovulation, which allows our Kansas fertility center expert to synchronize the cycle. This means the eggs mature at the right time. Dr. Gehlbach will monitor the patient’s cycle and then schedule the egg retrieval. We fertilize the eggs with sperm in our IVF laboratory. Our team evaluates the resulting embryos for quality. Dr. Gehlbach will usually transfer the highest quality embryo back into the uterus just days after retrieval. This process is a fresh embryo transfer.

Why our Kansas fertility center offers frozen embryo transfers

When patients undergo IVF, they may end up with healthy embryos that Dr. Gehlbach did not transfer during the fresh cycle. If the embryos are good quality, our Kansas fertility center can freeze the embryos for future use using a process called vitrification.

Because the patient does not require ovarian stimulation or egg retrieval, frozen embryo transfers can make future IVF cycles simpler, less invasive and possibly less expensive. Frozen embryo transfers give the uterine lining time to recover, which improves the odds of implantation, so Dr. Gehlbach may also recommend this treatment option over a fresh embryo transfer.

Understanding how frozen embryo transfers work

With frozen embryo transfers, Dr. Gehlbach monitors our patients with blood tests and sonograms to determine the optimal time for the transfer. Our Kansas fertility center expert may prescribe medication to ensure that the uterine lining is in the optimal state to support a potential pregnancy.

On the day of the transfer, we will thaw the embryo(s) and Dr. Gehlbach will perform the transfer. Just as with a typical IVF cycle, frozen embryo transfers are outpatient procedures that require no sedation. You will return to our office for a blood test to confirm pregnancy approximately 10 to 14 days later.

Trust our Kansas fertility center to provide top-notch care

At Midwest Reproductive Center, we offer proven infertility treatments to help our patients conceive, including frozen embryo transfers. When you visit our Kansas fertility center, Dr. Gehlbach will evaluate your situation and recommend the appropriate next steps. Contact our office for more information or to schedule an appointment.