Midwest Reproductive Center

Diagnosing Female Infertility

Dr. Dan Gehlbach employs several techniques when diagnosing female infertility

We advise women 34 or younger who have been trying to get pregnant for one year to meet with our Kansas City fertility doctor; the need is more pressing for women over 35. To help determine whether or not she has underlying issues, Dr. Gehlbach may need to perform more than one test when diagnosing female infertility.

Non-invasive tests are often the first step toward diagnosing female infertility

Our Kansas City fertility doctor begins diagnosing female infertility by taking a thorough medical history and performing a physical exam. He oversees testing to measure the level of ovulatory hormones in your blood, including follicle-stimulating hormone, FSH, estradiol, and anti-Mullerian hormone, AMH. Measuring these hormones helps approximate the quantity of a woman’s egg supply, or ovarian reserve, and predict her success with ovarian stimulation.

Genetic testing is another way of diagnosing female infertility because this blood test helps determine whether or not a genetic defect may be causing recurrent miscarriage or infertility.

Imaging tests allow our Kansas City fertility doctor to visualize problems

Imaging tests are one method we use for diagnosing female infertility that involve blockages or structural issues in the fallopian tubes or pelvic organs.

  • Transvaginal ultrasound—We gently insert a wand called a transducer that emits sound waves, allowing us to view your pelvic organs. This test also helps us identify and count the number of egg-containing follicles growing in a given month.
  • Saline sonohysterogram—During this transvaginal ultrasound, a saline solution is injected into the cervix to fill the uterine cavity. This makes it easier to visualize the uterine lining and look for abnormal growths, scarring or other structural problems.
  • Hysterosalpingography, HSG—During this x-ray exam for diagnosing female infertility, dye is injected into the uterus via the cervix to check for blockages in the fallopian tubes, as well as to check the condition of the uterus.

Minimally invasive tests can help pinpoint the causes of infertility, as well as treat certain issues

Our Kansas City fertility doctor may need to perform minimally invasive tests for diagnosing female infertility. These tests allow him to examine and treat problems such as uterine polyps, fibroidsendometriosis or scar tissue.

  • Hysteroscopy—This procedure allows Dr. Gehlbach to view your uterus with a hysteroscope, a long, thin device with a light and a camera on the end. Special instruments enable your fertility specialist to take action should he find something.
  • Laparoscopy—This is a minimally invasive surgical procedure for diagnosing female infertility. Dr. Gehlbach makes a small incision and inserts a laparoscope, a viewing instrument that allows him to view your ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. At this time, certain issues may be resolved laparoscopically through 1-2 additional small incisions.

If you think you may have infertility issues, our Kansas City fertility doctor can help. Contact us today for an appointment.