Midwest Reproductive Center

Oral Fertility Medications

Oral fertility medications enhance treatment options

Dan Gehlbach MD and the entire team at our Kansas fertility center deliver comprehensive care. After performing a thorough fertility evaluation, Dr. Gehlbach will design an individualized plan to help you achieve a successful pregnancy. Often, treatment will include the use of oral fertility medications.

Infertility basics from our Kansas fertility center

When you first visit our Kansas fertility center, Dr. Gehlbach will gather more information about your current situation. Usually, he begins with blood tests, a physical exam, a baseline sonogram and a semen analysis for your partner. The results of these tests will help reveal potential barriers to conception. Dr. Gehlbach will then formulate a customized treatment plan for you.

Dr. Gehlbach reviews oral fertility medication protocols

Female infertility can occur for a variety of reasons, including hormone imbalances, ovulatory dysfunction, advanced maternal age and medical conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). In these cases, Dr. Gehlbach may begin treatment with oral fertility medications, either by themselves or in conjunction with other therapies. Common medications include:

  • Clomid: If you don’t ovulate on your own, Clomid triggers your ovaries to produce eggs. Typically, women start Clomid on Day 3 or 5 of their menstrual cycle and take the medication for five days.
  • Birth control pills: Dr. Gehlbach may prescribe birth control pills to prevent the development of ovarian cysts or to coordinate your cycle with an in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle.
  • Metformin: If you have PCOS, Metformin can regulate your insulin levels and help stimulate ovulation.
  • Provera: If you don’t have a regular cycle, this medication can produce periods.
  • Oral antibiotics: Often, we recommend a course of antibiotics as a precaution for a uterine procedure or before intrauterine insemination (IUI).

Helpful hints for oral fertility medication use

If Dr. Gehlbach recommends oral fertility medications, we will provide detailed instructions on medication dosages and side effects. We suggest that you check with your insurance company about coverage for oral fertility medications. If your insurance does not cover these medications, confirm the price at your pharmacy and then do a price comparison with other pharmacies so that you pay the lowest amount possible.

The ins and outs of fertility treatment can often feel overwhelming. Dr. Gehlbach will provide you with detailed information about the use of oral fertility medication to make your cycle as stress free as possible. Contact our Kansas fertility center with any questions or to schedule an appointment.