Midwest Reproductive Center

Injectable Fertility Medications

Our Kansas fertility center explains injectable fertility medications

As the medical director of our Kansas fertility center, Dan Gehlbach MD ensures that we provide top-notch care to our patients. We work with patients to identify and treat common causes of infertility. For patients undergoing fertility treatment, our dedicated team will review protocols and procedures, including details on the use of injectable fertility medications.

Reviewing infertility treatment basics

When a patient first visits our Kansas fertility center, Dr. Gehlbach will take a complete medical history, schedule blood tests, order a semen analysis for the male partner and perform a sonogram. These initial tests will provide him with an accurate picture of any obstacles to conception, so he can make the appropriate treatment recommendations. Typically, Dr. Gehlbach begins with options such as medications to regulate ovulation and intrauterine insemination (IUI).

What are injectable fertility medications?

For patients facing more significant fertility issues, Dr. Gehlbach may suggest treatment involving injectable fertility medications. These injectable hormones, called gonadotropins, kick start ovulation. Normally, the body produces hormones to regulate the ovulation process. When these hormones are prescribed for fertility treatment, they encourage multiple follicles to develop.

Injectable fertility medications include two hormones.

  • Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is released by the pituitary gland. FSH stimulates the growth of follicles and has a role in the maturation of eggs.
  • Luteinizing hormone (LH) helps regulate egg production and the menstrual cycle.

Dr. Gehlbach discusses the uses of these fertility medications

Some patients respond well to injectable fertility medications with IUI therapy. In other cases, Dr. Gehlbach may combine these medications with IVF. If Dr. Gehlbach recommends injectable fertility medications, we will closely monitor a patient’s cycle with regular sonograms.

How do injectable fertility medications work?

After a patient receives a prescription for gonadotrophins, we will review the injection process and answer any questions. These shots are subcutaneous, just beneath the skin, and don’t cause any significant pain. Side effects of gonadotropins may include bloating, multiple pregnancies and ovarian hyperstimulation. However, Dr. Gehlbach will take steps to prevent these side effects.

When you are undergoing fertility treatment, you may feel overwhelmed. Dr. Gehlbach and our Kansas fertility center team will explain the procedures, including using injectable fertility medications. Contact our office for more information or to schedule an appointment.