Midwest Reproductive Center

Types of Fibroids

There are four types of fibroids: intramural, subserosal, perdunculated and submucosal

Fibroids are benign, muscular tumors that grow in and outside the uterus and pelvic cavity. These non-cancerous tumors range in size from small to extremely large, sometimes growing to the size of a melon. Dr. Dan Gehlbach, our Kansas City fertility specialist, provides diagnosis and treatment for women with different types of fibroids.

Women may have one fibroid or many. The tumors can be slow-growing or can grow extremely quickly. Just as they vary in size and growth rate, fibroids also vary in type. It isn’t uncommon for a woman to have more than one of the four types of fibroids, which are classified based on their location in the female reproductive track.

Among the types of fibroids, intramural fibroids are the most common

The most common type, these fibroids begin growing within the muscular uterine wall and can cause the uterine wall to expand. Many women who have intramural fibroids will not experience any symptoms, but some experience heavier bleeding during menstruation; back and pelvic pain; lower abdominal pressure; bloating; constipation; and a constant urge to urinate.

Subserosal fibroids grow outside the uterus

Subserosal fibroids often occur in women during their reproductive years. These tumors begin on the outer surface of the uterus and continue to grow outward. Sometimes they grow on a stalk, known as a peduncle. It is important to get a diagnosis from an experienced physician like our Kansas City fertility specialist because these fibroids may be mistaken for an ovarian mass.

Subserosal fibroids usually don’t cause menstrual problems because they are located outside the uterus, but they can cause other symptoms. Symptoms may include back, pelvic and abdominal pain; abdominal cramps; feeling of pressure or heaviness; bloating; constipation; and frequent urination.

Submucosal fibroids can interfere with fertility

Submucosal fibroids are the rarest of the types of fibroids but they are the ones most likely to cause fertility problems. These fibroids are located underneath the uterine lining, or endometrium. They may also be peduncular. Submucosal fibroids can cause menstrual problems such as severe abdominal cramps and unusually heavy and prolonged periods. They also lead to post-menstrual bleeding, back and pelvic pain and lower abdominal discomfort.

Pedunculated fibroids grow on a stalk

Subserosal fibroids grow outside of the uterus and may twist and cause pain. A perdunculated fibroid growing inside the uterus is called a perdunculated submucosal fibroid.

Expertise and experience are important for diagnosis and treatment of the different types of fibroids

Since fibroids can cause infertility, you want a physician you can rely on for diagnosis and treatment. Our Kansas City fertility specialist offers state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques and minimally invasive surgery to help you overcome fertility problems and create the family you want. Contact us for an appointment.