Midwest Reproductive Center

Ovulation Disorders

Overcoming Ovulation Disorders at Midwest Reproductive Center

One of the most common causes of female infertility can be the easiest to treat. Dr. Dan Gehlbach outlines a minimally invasive, low-tech plan for helping women overcome ovulation disorders to get pregnant.

By the time you visit Midwest Reproductive Center, you likely have discovered ovulation disorders on your own. Over-the-counter ovulation kits, basal body temperature charts and irregular menstrual cycles alert women to potential problems.

Dr. Gehlbach will order a series of blood, urine and sonogram tests to determine ovarian reserve, whether ovulation occurs, and at which stage the process stalls.

For ovulation to occur:

    1. The brain signals the maturation of egg-containing follicles early in the menstrual cycle.
    2. Another hormonal trigger causes the dominant follicle to release an oocyte (egg) from one of the two ovaries.
    3. The fallopian tube picks up the egg, and here it will meet the single sperm that travels to meet it.
    4. A successfully fertilized egg then migrates down to the uterus for implantation and pregnancy.

You have a 15-25 percent chance of getting pregnant in any given month. Statistically, nearly 85 percent of couples will get pregnant within a year. If you have tried to get pregnant for 12 months, or six months

if you are over 35, an ovulation disorder might factor in to the delay.

Taking Action with Ovulation Induction

Dr. Gehlbach likes to begin each new patient consultation with this fact: Most women with ovulation disorders will never progress to in vitro fertilization, or IVF. In fact, fertility medications alone will likely lead to success.

  • Oral fertility medications, or clomiphene citrate, include the brand names Clomid or Serophene.
  • Injectable fertility medications, called gonadotropins, play a leading role in egg production, and include fertility drugs such as Pregnyl, Ovidrel, Profasi, Lupron, Repronex and Pergonal.
  • Dr. Gehlbach may prescribe medications such as Heparin or thyroid medications.

When no male factors exist (such as low sperm count, as determined by semen analysis) and fallopian tubes are open, timed intercourse and a cycle of ovulation induction medications should result in pregnancy within a few months.

A more progressive option for couples who have already attempted fertility treatment will involve intrauterine insemination IUI with ovulation induction.

Risk Factors for Ovulation Disorders

Ovulation disorders affect about 1 in 4 couples dealing with infertility. As you decide whether to partner with a fertility specialist like Dr. Gehlbach, ask yourself:

  • Are you underweight or overweight?
  • Are you an endurance athlete?
  • Have you experienced extended periods of extreme stress?
  • Have your periods become irregular?
  • Do you have PCOS, an endocrine system disrupter with symptoms of excessive facial hair, acne and weight problems?

Ovulation induction can provide you the best chance for getting pregnant. Contact the Midwest Reproductive Center scheduling team to arrange for an appointment with Dr. Gehlbach.