Midwest Reproductive Center

Father’s Day Check In: The 3 Most Fun Male Fertility Boosts

Father’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate all of the fathers and father figures in our lives. At Midwest Reproductive Center in Kansas City, we know it’s also a perfect time for fathers-to-be to have some fun with male fertility-enhancing activities. Dr. Dan Gehlbach recommends that men facing fertility challenges use the day to charge themselves up with fun fertility boosts.

#1 – Eat some oysters!
Adding anti-oxidants to your diet can improve sperm health. Fortunately, anti-oxidants are hiding in some of the most delicious foods. Make a feast out of your favorite anti-oxidant-rich foods. Some tasty examples include:

  • Seafood like oysters and crab are a great source of zinc, a powerful antioxidant.
  • Red meat like a big juicy steak contains high levels of zinc and selenium – both helpful for sperm health boosts.
  • Fresh fruits like kiwi, watermelon, apricots and red grapefruit will give you all the lycopene you need for enhanced sperm health.

#2 – Hit the courts!
Studies have shown that exercise can help increase a man’s sperm count. Lifting weights, doing sports or hitting the gym are all ways to maximize sperm concentration. So, this Father’s Day pick up your tennis racket, lace on your cleats or strap on your goggles! It will make you feel better and can increase your chances of conception.

#3 – Learn all the tricks for the best baby-making sex!
Research suggests that going too long without having sex can actually have a detrimental effect on sperm quality. More frequent intercourse – at least once or twice a week – can ensure that your sperm are more effective in the baby-making window when ovulation occurs. Father’s Day is the perfect time to shower your partner with love and affection and get your sperm into baby-making shape!

To find out other ways that you can maximize your fertility and increase the chances that a baby will be on its way soon, consult with a fertility specialist like Dr. Gehlbach. Contact us for a consultation about other male fertility factors to find out what the best boost for you might be.



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