Midwest Reproductive Center

Clomid for Male Infertility

A look at Clomid for male infertility

We sometimes prescribe Clomid for male infertility. This medication is a common treatment for female infertility. It can also treat some cases of male infertility. In women, Clomid can induce ovulation or help produce multiple eggs. Clomid for men can increase testosterone level and improve sperm count.

Just as women have low levels of testosterone in their bodies, men have certain female hormones in their bodies. Men also produce FSH and LH, which stimulate the production of testosterone and sperm. In men, FSH stimulates the testes to produce sperm similar to the way it stimulates the ovaries to produce eggs in women. Low FSH and LH levels can sometimes cause low sperm counts.

How Clomid for male infertility works

Clomid for male infertility blocks the action of estrogen on the pituitary gland. This causes an increase in the FSH and LH hormone levels. Higher levels of FSH and LH will boost testosterone production in men, which may improve sperm counts.

If your sperm count is low, Dr Gehlbach may order blood tests to determine whether you are a candidate for treatment with Clomid. Usually, the tests will include measurements of FSH, LH and testosterone levels.

Clomid is an inexpensive option to help improve sperm counts and testosterone levels with relatively few side effects. Some patients experience hot flashes, nausea, dizziness, headaches and temporarily blurred vision. Let Dr. Gehlbach know if you have any unusual symptoms while taking Clomid for male infertility.

Men who are taking Clomid must take the medication on a daily basis because new sperm are produced every day. The typical dose is one-half a tablet per day, or 25mg of Clomid. While on Clomid, we will regularly check hormone levels to confirm an adequate response to the medication. The dose of Clomid can be custom-tailored to the man’s specific needs based upon the lab results. As with any other medicine, it will take time, usually several months, to determine whether Clomid is having a beneficial effect on the sperm count.