Midwest Reproductive Center

How Male Infertility Treatments in Overland Park Can Help You Grow Your Family

How Male Infertility Treatments in Overland Park Can Help You Grow Your Family

Male infertility is a very common hurdle that couples face when trying to conceive naturally. There are many factors that can cause this issue and identifying the exact cause can be difficult. However, with the help of a fertility clinic in Overland Park, it’s possible to find a solution to your issue and conceive a child.

Our experts at Associated Plastic Surgeons can take a look at your full health history, and by visiting with a fertility doctor in Overland Park, they can help pinpoint the exact cause of male infertility. In this article, we will discuss some common male infertility factors and how they can be corrected.

Physical Factors

Some male infertility factors can be caused by abnormalities. These can include but are not limited to:

  • Blockages of the tubes and tracts that move semen
  • Low sperm count
  • Vein disorders that prevent healthy sperm production

Some, if not all, of these conditions can be fixed with surgery, medication, or the help of male infertility treatments in Overland Park. Our state-of-the-art technology and years of experience make this life-changing process possible.

male infertility treatments in Overland Park

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors are a significant contributor when it comes to issues with conceiving. It can often be something that you have never considered before, and it could be affecting your fertility. A fertility specialist can examine your habits and suggest some minor adjustments that can greatly increase your chances of conceiving.

So, what are some environmental factors to consider when it comes to male infertility?

  • Exposure to chemicals both at home and in your place of work
  • An unhealthy diet causing diabetes or high blood pressure
  • Drinking more alcohol than recommended
  • Being overweight
  • Prolonged periods of external heat around the testicles (examples: hot tubs, saunas)

Hormonal Imbalances

Yes, men can have these issues too. Hormones control the body, and if a male is experiencing infertility, hormones can be to blame. Sex drive, sperm count, and sperm health can all be affected by the balance of hormones in the body. Male infertility treatments in Overland Park are a great place to start. Things like infertility examinations and medication adjustments can help to balance hormones and enhance the chances of a healthy pregnancy.

male infertility treatments in Overland Park

Once your Overland Park fertility clinic has completed all the necessary tests, they will have a better idea of what is causing the infertility issues and what would be the best type of fertility treatment in Overland Park. Most clinics will test and treat both partners to determine if either person has a condition that is deterring a healthy pregnancy.

If you are not ready to give up on your dreams of becoming a parent and are struggling to conceive, then it’s time to – consult Midwest Reproductive Center – one of the premier fertility clinics in Overland Park. We will assist you with each step on your journey to becoming a parent. With more than 60 years of combined experience, compassion, and expertise, you are in the best place possible to achieve your dream.

Give us a call today at (913) 780-4300 or visit our website to fill out a contact form. We look forward to making your dream of a family a reality very soon!

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